I've Got a Business.
Now What?

Starting a new business can be a daunting affair.  There's plenty of information out there, but much of it can be overwhelming when combined with all of the other aspects of starting a new company.  So, where do you turn for answers? 

Look no further. Author and CPA Deborah A. Morgan shares her expertise in Your Amazing Itty Bitty Business Tax Book and I've Got A Business, Now What?  These books were written specifically for new and small business owners struggling to understand confusing tax and accounting matters.

Deborah's books are packed full of useful information in an understandable and easy to read format. Her advice will prepare you for the challenges that many business owners face by offering real world solutions, knowledge, and tips for avoiding those issues altogether. 



S- Corporations, C-Corporations, partnerships, LLC/LLPs... Do you know which business entity you should be?  Learn more about the benefits and downfalls of each, then decide what's best for your business.  With the right information, you could see an improvement on next year's tax returns. 



Accounting is everything. Keeping up-to-date books is essential to running a lucrative business. Accurate accounting records can help you create a more effective budget, save money on tax preparation, prepare you for large financial liabilities, as well as give you a clear picture of how your business is doing at all times. 



Tax projections and estimated payments are a great way for individuals and businesses alike to get ahead on year-end tax liabilities.  Learn more about paying ahead, and other steps you can take to reduce the amount you owe when tax season arrives. 

“This little book is a power house. Chock full of useful information in an easy to read format.”
— Michele Berson, Berson Money Management

I've Got a Business. Now What?