Your 2019 Social Security Benefits Recap

The Social Security Administration, or SSA, has made a 2.8% increase to monthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for 2019. Take a look at some of the most significant changes as you create and update your financial plan for 2019.


2019 Social Security benefit highlights

  • Up to $132,900 in wages will be subject to Social Security taxes (up $4,500 from 2018). This amounts to $8,239.80 in maximum annual employee Social Security payments.

  • Retirees under full retirement age can earn up to $17,640 before Social Security benefits are reduced, and up to $46,920 the year they reach full retirement age.

  • The estimated average monthly benefit will be $1,461 per month in 2019 for all retired workers receiving Social Security retirement benefits. This is an average increase of $39 per month.

  • The Social Security and Medicare tax rates do not change from 2018 to 2019 (7.65 percent for employees and 15.30 percent for self-employed).

Supplemental Security Income

SSI is a benefit for people who have disabilities, are blind, or are 65 and older and have limited income and resources. The benefit is $2,000 for single people and $3,000 for married people. Children who are blind or have disabilities may also receive SSI.

A full-time student who is blind or has a disability can still receive SSI benefits as long as earned income does not exceed the monthly and annual student exclusion amounts ($1,870/monthly and $7,550/yearly).

Call 805-496-2828 to find out if your Social Security benefits affect your 2019 tax plan.

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